
You're not the only one. I spent all of last season trying to figure out why she turns me on so much. I still don't understand.

Laurence Fishburne kicks ass
He was so great in this movie.

Yeah, you can find the whole run online in like two minutes. And it's worth it too — both the Moore issues and the Gaiman issues.

I love Armond White.

A few questions for Nader
1) You are no longer running as the Green Party candidate. Do you no longer support their platform? Don't you think splintering the already small progressive vote is counter-productive?

Of course he was a spoiler
The whole point of his campaign was to be a spoiler. No one thought he would win the election. Every Nader voter that I argued with at the time said the same thing: the only way to force the Democrats from taking the left for granted would be if Nader took enough votes from Gore. They'd only

No, he was that much of an asshole. He really was.

Intra-racial slurs
So, a black person acting white is an Oreo, an Asian person acting white is a twinkie or a banana. Does that mean a black person acting Asian acting white is a banana split creme oreo? Is an Asian person who really, really acts white a banana twinkie?