


I agree.

I agree.

What is Sean O'Neal's beef with Atlas Shrugged? I know that most of us consider it to be a self-serving and not-well-thought-out philosophy, but it seems every time he gets the chance to make fun of it, he makes fun of it seven times.

What is Sean O'Neal's beef with Atlas Shrugged? I know that most of us consider it to be a self-serving and not-well-thought-out philosophy, but it seems every time he gets the chance to make fun of it, he makes fun of it seven times.

Sweet Jesus, man! Can you blame him? There are bats everywhere! Who gives a damn about a couple of spiders?

Sweet Jesus, man! Can you blame him? There are bats everywhere! Who gives a damn about a couple of spiders?

If they would have had The Tragically Hip doing the theme song, the show would be even more popular in Canada and nobody in the US would have ever heard of it.

If they would have had The Tragically Hip doing the theme song, the show would be even more popular in Canada and nobody in the US would have ever heard of it.



This book, which I managed to snag a copy of after seeing her on Jon Stewart, is insanely excellent.

This book, which I managed to snag a copy of after seeing her on Jon Stewart, is insanely excellent.

My whole family loves the shit out of Big Bang Theory, to the point where my Dad actually calls it fucking "Bang". (We're Canadian.) "Hey, Jason, you busy? Bang is on." I WISH HE WAS JUST FUCKING MY MOM

My whole family loves the shit out of Big Bang Theory, to the point where my Dad actually calls it fucking "Bang". (We're Canadian.) "Hey, Jason, you busy? Bang is on." I WISH HE WAS JUST FUCKING MY MOM

What's far more likely is she heard about Sonic Youth breaking up, and said, "How can they? That wasn't me!" and is reuniting them only to break them up at her hand.

What's far more likely is she heard about Sonic Youth breaking up, and said, "How can they? That wasn't me!" and is reuniting them only to break them up at her hand.