
That's the wrong Sean, and you know it, Truffleberry!

Surely the OP was complaining about the buttholes who were climbing on top of people's tombstones?

This is, in my mind, the part he was born to play.

If anything, Stuart is George. He is an engine of awkward and misplayed social situations.

Yeah, I think in truth the advice exists to eliminate flabbiness in narrative, whereas this show doesn't seem that concerned w/ that.

I don't mind Big Bad if it is done in the Buffy sense of a genuine season structured around one bad guy who seems to be the driving force behind the week-to-week plots. But then, after hearing people describe Todd, Walt, Uncle Jack, Gus, Tuco, Saul, Jesse, Skyler, Walt. Jr., Hank, and TNG's Q as the Big Bad on

I don't really see the connection between the two, but surely it wouldn't really mount to anything more than loving homage? Seems like yr criticism is out-of-order.

Yeah, it's amusing how the most entertaining parts of the show are the subtleties and the big, obvious awkwardness is not sitting very well.

I'm so w/ you but if you didn't laugh at the Bowie song, you have no soul!

Yeah, to me there is a pretty basic formula; 'have the character do really repugnant things time and time again in the name of absurd ignorance, then win over the audience in the end with some sort of naive sweetness' that I'm basically tired of in a Post-Office Post-Office world.

I didn't get that from Extras but I definitely had that feeling worse than almost anything I've ever seen tonight; but then I sort of love that feeling, so it all worked out.

It's sort of amazing to me that you seem to draw genre lines along gender and age lines.

Thanks for this link. (Two years later.)

I've read all of his books save for Mason&Dixon and Vineland, and I hated Against the Day. I found it incredibly long, largely pointless and totally lacking in the focus that made V and Gravity's Rainbow so rewarding. The most challenging book I've read in my life. (and I read Infinite Jest once a year.)

I've read all save Vineland and Mason & Dixon (which I tried but found genuinely too challenging) and allow me to tell you: Do not try Against the Day. It is so much worse than the lot you've mentioned.


I take this back. Clearly, James Franco deserves the title of 'so crazy'.

Sean O'Neal, you so crazy!

Man, that's disappointing. I'm digging this album (though not as much as Girls stuff) but it would have been nice to hear some of the classics.