
By the way, what does Billy Corgan (think about/urinate on) Sonic Youth? Has he gone on record?

By the way, what does Billy Corgan (think about/urinate on) Sonic Youth? Has he gone on record?

Not in the world I grew up in, buddy.

Not in the world I grew up in, buddy.

I really liked this episode, but FUCK you on not liking the duck/Iraq thing, because that was AMAZING bleary-eyed claptrap.

I would say that Akira is one of those things that was a huge disappointment for me; I had seen a lot of anime before I watched the revered Akira and I thought (and still think) that it's long and weird and bizarre and mostly bad.

The second season was like the Gator of animated television — sure, it had it's problems, but I still think it was vastly superior to White Lightning.

Jabba had been pushed to the end of his rope, and he certainly wouldn't have sent a scrub like Greedo to negotiate for him. No, Greedo was likely meant as a corpse to show to Han that he meant business about repayment.

They are doing a short concise excellent version of House. It's called Sherlock and anybody who likes good House owes it to themselves to consume it all in an afternoon.

Pretty sure you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

Any Community fans want to play some correspondence chess? 1. e4

Kubrick didn't even finish High School, much less go through a gloomy college period.

Yeah, I misread you.

Eight posts and no mention of the Mormon Church Dances?

More like Natalie Portman.

I actually really liked Wincing the Night Away. But the Danger Mouse collab was not as good as The Shins stuff, so I have reservations.

The album is really powerful and meaningful to me, and so are basically all of theirs. I know I'm a fanboy but I don't care. I am a little tired of hearing about how the album is definably bad or how critics are finally calling a spade a spade.

I loved the album too.


Leonard Pierce, you sly dog.