
No Girls and apparently, you didn't actually love Dawes. I am so confused.


They said in the Marc Maron podcast a few weeks ago with Charlie and Glen that Danny works on the show because his kids love it, so it's probably a good point.

I love Charlie Hunnam, and have loved him on this show, but he needs to stop underscoring every declaration with 'bro'. I do not know if that is in the script, but my friend and I have started to drink whenever he says Bro.

If Gary Oldman is actually playing Fat Prospect right now, I think we all owe him an apology for not seeing The Book of Eli.

Motorcycles don't ride on rails, bitch.

By giving us the dashes, you ruin the effect of a cock popping up. I had a friend who would seduce women by breaking into their houses and just letting his cock dangle out of his fly when they came in.

Space Blessing*

Oh my God, do I ever owe you an apology. I only ironically thought he meant ladyboys, and he was actually typing gibberish and I thought I was clever, for some fucking reason, when in fact you all were clever and he was typing gibberish but the gibberish that I was teasing him about not typing.

I think he meant "ladyboys".

I love the crew that comes out to makes KITH references at even the slightest mention. <3

Community isn't sci-fi.

God, I like all of those bands.

No, the Smiths are grand.

Well, in any event, I liked Hurley more than Raditude.

This is the first AV Club list where I haven't seen one fucking movie on the whole thing. *applauds*

The problem with your metaphor/reference is that the actual Star Trek 8 was First Contact, which was /awesome/.

I can't tell if you are a satire of the people who used to say that they haven't done anything good since the Green Album, or if you actually believe that Hurley and a shitty B-Side collection constitute a career that can be summed as "From Hurley On".

I was intrigued that Kilowog only managed to save most of the people on the planet. It gave some weight to the villainy of the whole thing without circumventing the happy ending.

(Two comments at Sunspear today! What a day.)