
Do they not have torrents in Australia?

I'm not saying that he isn't doing a good job, necessarily; I just don't feel like historical context is really enough to get me interested in the story he's been telling, so far. Doesn't help the art is flat.

Not digging Morrison's Action Comics at all; I feel like there is a direction though, so I'm hooked but unsatisfied.

I agree, Sajanas, and feel like this is the way the show will go. And I love it.

Why do you want Obama to have another term? I thought Hipster D-Bags voted for Ron Paul.

Have you ever gone back and rewatched 3rd Rock, Todd? That show rules. (On the shoulders of Lithgow, entirely.)

I want to both agree with you and point out that even at the high point of Death Note, there was an episode where the two rivals play Tennis against eachother. But I can't reconcile the two.

I played volleyball against myself.

In reading this write-up, I was dismayed by the reference to Ed's easy-to-please nature because, earlier this week, I made a ball out of leftover tin foil at work and played with it for a solid hour.

True that.

Todd, I don't know what compelled me to read this review (Psychic powers?) because I don't even own a TV nor care about this show, but as the world's first and smartest Frank Fisticuffs fan, keep up the good work.

I think Malcolm In The Middle is going dangerously underrepresented, here.

That's dumb. Oranges don't have dragons.

That was the entire plot of Con Air.

Don't blame me. I voted for Nas.

This Sephiroth guy seems like one /bad/ dude.

I feel similar to this, except that I always feel like I want to listen to them, spin Kill 'Em All or MoP, and then get distracted and leave.

He knows it's music, right?

This writeup "sucks".

I agree. Cybermen are my favorite villains, and, while I loved this episode, it was despite the usage of the iconic villain.