
Eugh! What about Sunny? Or Archer? I get more laughs out of Doctor Who than Parks and Recreation.

I'd say Community and Power Rangers: Dino Blasters has the same value to me, as a person.

I have the "It's a Fact!" girl from Kids in the Hall stuck in my head now.

I actually don't care for the show, but will second the praise of the voicework.

I was really disappointed with this write-up, Keith. I found you didn't find a strong way to tie your review together; more like one of those reviews that just loosely throws ideas at the wall and sees what sticks. And some of the points you did make were a stretch for me, which I found a bit sad, because I obviously

You didn't know Todd's writing sucks?

Big Fish! Big Fish!

There were no invisible super assassins in The Initiative. That would have been sweet.

There is a much better unresolved plot from Buffy, stemming from a Season One episode, which ends implying that there is an entire school of invisible super soldiers being trained by the government. Not even the conspiracy organization comes up again.

I think most fans generally think Enterprise is worse, although they are crazy because Enterprise is awesome. (Except for the theme song.)

It is definitely Michael Apted's 7 Up.

In Rainbows works even when I'm not in a super Radiohead mood, although HTTT is the deeper album, I think.

Jake, you're forgetting about Chinatown again!

Have you people even seen Bad Lieutenant?

Lack of Pinkerton pun here upsets me.

Yeah, I'll work hand in hand with that guy and do SVU for scale.

Did Dan O'Bannon get an article that I missed in my grieving? Because that was quite depressing as well.

I don't get it.

Jesus Hellfire Christ.

Je vous donnez canceraids parce que t'est un morceau du fromage dans la biblioteque louis-jourdain.