Gozer the Gozerian

I always saw Loras as more like one of the blond elves in Lord of the Rings, but I think the real problem is how wimpy they've made him. He's supposed to be a badass, and instead he's kind of a maid.

Reznor is clearly singing the half of the first chorus of "Kalopsia."

Hey, those are my top 2 as well!

Wait, there's someone who works here known as "Greendad?" Where has this byline been hiding?


If this doesn't have a hundred likes by tomorrow, I will seriously QUESTION everything I think I know.

Them's fightin' words, Archmage. Heavy Metal is an adolescent treasure!

I'm with @avclub-dce6d9e1b376fa2c0963018937fde5ff:disqus ; the speed bump on Lullabies is "The Blood is Love."

You mean for making them sound less bratty and disposable? I'm still not a huge fan, but they used to actively annoy me.

Heart On has the best songs, and it's not close. But it also doesn't sound like the Eagles of Death Metal that I think most people would be expecting if they've ever heard them live or on the radio.

"Whitewater" would have found its way to the end of countless mix CDs if it weren't for the obnoxious suite format of the album. A classic, though "Demon Cleaner" is not far behind.

That whole second suite is just about perfectly put together.

Basic and same-y are not very accurate descriptors for this band, especially in their most recent albums.

I wanna hear a couple of hallelujahs!

I don't think so? Maybe ambiguous? In any case, I don't see why his being gay would be a "dig," unless you meant he struggled so mightily to play a happily married husband that he came off as homosexual, calling the quality of his performance into question.

When I saw them play the Nokia Theater in Downtown LA back in 2007 or 2008, they were obviously tiring of playing it all the time, and Josh decided to have some fun with it. He announced the song but then they went into "The Fun Machine Took a Shit and Died," a fan favorite that never had an official US release.

I will pass it along! I know everyone says this about their friends, but he really is a very talented, funny guy who deserves a shot at a series. And, really, we're not super close—we're more the "been to Coachella together and also danced stupidly at many parties" type of friends.

My friend Michael played the husband, and as hilarious as his reading of "She's so dry" was in his appearance last season, it was great to see him do more.

I want to be a Dolworth. Never a dull moment with those two, and Ocean Beach is my kinda town.

Really? Is it as lame as the alternate ending?