Gozer the Gozerian

Seeing this record here makes me happy. I found out about Greys through the Kreative Kontrol podcast earlier this year, and Outer Heaven has been in heavy rotation ever since. I do get a little tired of the back half, but the first five tracks are awesome, especially "No Star," three near-perfect minutes of escalating

This is guaranteed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of infinitely better than the movie itself. I wonder if they'll rent him out for Bar Mitzvahs?

What was that, if you don't mind me asking? I've read all the books but can't think of what you're referring to.

I couldn't make it out there for this, which will forever make me sad if there are no future Replacements shows. I did see RFTC two weeks ago in Del Mar, though, and can vouch for how goddamn great they still are.

Everyone knows Right is the better half.

I was having a similar thought about how dated the picture seems, and then remembered that Todd and I are about the same age, and I suddenly felt very old.

I believe Todd and I are the same age, which makes this September of '98, most likely.

So The Doom Generation is tomorrow, right?

I was big too, but people seemed to realize they could say whatever they wanted to me without fear of reprisal, so they did. However, whenever someone actually did try to physically start something (at least in a fair-ish fight scenario), I would use my relative size and strength to hurt them quickly, much like your

Where have you been watching it? I liked it as a kid, kinda curious to go back.

He's only 41, he could manage a couple before he ages out of it.

I agree with you on all counts, but if those people don't already know about ASG II, they're doing it wrong.

I think you're crazy. That album has the same monster guitars and killer hooks, it's just dressed up with a pop sheen—almost like Phil Spector, Joey Ramone and Jarvis Cocker all took turns producing it. Even if you trim the pop stuff, "I Know," "Panic Scam," "Made for You," "You Gotta Move," "Dick on a Dog," "Back in

Don't think they're defunct. Pretty sure they've been playing shows during this RFTC tour.

I never could get into The Sultans. "Just a Fool (That's Down)" is a gem, but the rest of it never stuck with me. And I am in the bag for Speedo so hard it's almost embarrassing.

Rocket covered "Don't Speak?" That must have been interesting!

You're swell and fun!

The visual of Mads Mikkelsen doing this you conjured up just made me laugh for two minutes straight. Bravo.

Is that worth a cable watch down the line? That Riseborough chick is my new crush, and of course Freeman is always great, but NCW's inclusion was almost enough to get me to the theater.

Tywin? Shows up late Season 1, and his very first scene is with Jaime. Also, he's Charles Dance. Lots of reasons why it's not him.