Gozer the Gozerian

Which adult female regulars would that be? Cat? Cersei?

In theory it was Steelshanks, but I didn't hear anyone say his name.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus Yeah, like I said, I think it's silly. Go ahead and wear your big heels with me any day. (Except not really, in case my girlfriend reads this.)

To be fair, she has an absolutely breath-taking heiney. I mean, that thing's good.

They're both in the 6'3" range, so if she's got 5-6" heels on, that looks about right.

"Disco 2000" will be played at least three times at my wedding, closer to eight if my fiancee happens to be named Deborah.

Yeah, not remotely

For some reason this always gets conflated with Living in Oblivion in my mind, though they're really not the same at all. Good choice, Noel.

Thanks for the response! I haven't had time to stay current on Twitter anymore. Truthfully, Noel is my favorite writer 'round these here parts, so this is awesome, but Scott did a great job with this show, and you could tell he really loved it.

Has Tobias stepped down from his Justified duties? Not that Noel isn't awesome, but I'm a big continuity wonk.

"Lick my plate, you dog dick!"

We're so gonna get removed, but they were real and magical

I'm using my ex-girlfriend's!

Ha, that's awesome. Yes, Liars were great too, though I've never been able to get into them on record. And standing at the front for Jon Spencer was phenomenal. I'm in San Diego now, and I definitely miss the proximity to so many shows and venues that came with living in Huntington Beach.

Ha, that's awesome. Yes, Liars were great too, though I've never been able to get into them on record. And standing at the front for Jon Spencer was phenomenal. I'm in San Diego now, and I definitely miss the proximity to so many shows and venues that came with living in Huntington Beach.

Flagged for obvious "O-face" comment fishing.

Flagged for obvious "O-face" comment fishing.

Heads are gonna roll
heads are gonna roll
heads are gonna roll
if we can make em roll!

Heads are gonna roll
heads are gonna roll
heads are gonna roll
if we can make em roll!

Where did you catch them? I saw them open for JSBX at this tiny little place called Detroit in Costa Mesa, CA, and it was an all-timer.