Gozer the Gozerian

Where did you catch them? I saw them open for JSBX at this tiny little place called Detroit in Costa Mesa, CA, and it was an all-timer.

While this does kind of lessen the significance of being at the farewell show on Halloween '05, I'd much rather have them be an ongoing thing again. Scream, Dracula, Scream! was the first album I ever truly loved, and I still listen to it pretty frequently. Their live shows are some of the best I've ever experienced.

While this does kind of lessen the significance of being at the farewell show on Halloween '05, I'd much rather have them be an ongoing thing again. Scream, Dracula, Scream! was the first album I ever truly loved, and I still listen to it pretty frequently. Their live shows are some of the best I've ever experienced.

A friend of mine named Buress's album via a random tweet suggestion (Buress may have been soliciting them, I can't remember). Not that anyone here should care, but it's fun to see it on this list.

A friend of mine named Buress's album via a random tweet suggestion (Buress may have been soliciting them, I can't remember). Not that anyone here should care, but it's fun to see it on this list.

Oh, ok, I'll do it:

Oh, ok, I'll do it:

Your Todd impression below is fantastic. I hope he gets a chance to read it

Your Todd impression below is fantastic. I hope he gets a chance to read it

The double drums coming to the fore in the middle of "Epic Problem" is one of my favorite musical moments ever.

The double drums coming to the fore in the middle of "Epic Problem" is one of my favorite musical moments ever.

Actually, there have been periods where End Hits has been as high as 1A for me. Of course, I went backwards, not really listening to them until The Argument, which caused The Great Fugazi Binge of My Early 20's. But even now I'd still probably put it fourth at worst.

Actually, there have been periods where End Hits has been as high as 1A for me. Of course, I went backwards, not really listening to them until The Argument, which caused The Great Fugazi Binge of My Early 20's. But even now I'd still probably put it fourth at worst.

It is not modest in the "keep your clothes on" sense of the word

It is not modest in the "keep your clothes on" sense of the word

I think it's pretty great, actually. It's clever and uncomfortable, and the characters are usually irritating in compulsively watchable ways. I say check it out.

I think it's pretty great, actually. It's clever and uncomfortable, and the characters are usually irritating in compulsively watchable ways. I say check it out.

That escalated in a hurry

That escalated in a hurry

Holy shit, mango vanilla milkshakes? That sounds amazing. Did you make the ice cream too?