Gozer the Gozerian

Holy shit, mango vanilla milkshakes? That sounds amazing. Did you make the ice cream too?

Wait, are we not allowed to comment on nice boobs when a show clearly displays them frequently? Honest question.

Wait, are we not allowed to comment on nice boobs when a show clearly displays them frequently? Honest question.

Oh, I get it, because he's fat or something!

Oh, I get it, because he's fat or something!

We were all thinking it

We were all thinking it

Can we make "will be die" happen the way "OF COCK" and "How much fuck?" became such important parts of the AV Club lexicon? I feel there's a lot of potential there.

Can we make "will be die" happen the way "OF COCK" and "How much fuck?" became such important parts of the AV Club lexicon? I feel there's a lot of potential there.

Aww, I love Jaime's chapters in that book

Aww, I love Jaime's chapters in that book

Well, DUH

Well, DUH

I'm sure you hope all of them are read this way, but I heard this one in Space Ghost's voice and I cackled for three minutes

I'm sure you hope all of them are read this way, but I heard this one in Space Ghost's voice and I cackled for three minutes

Drop and roll!

Drop and roll!

We do see it a bit though, mostly (entirely?) via FBI surveillance

We do see it a bit though, mostly (entirely?) via FBI surveillance

@avclub-22259ee6329364cebbe4c40bd951f307:disqus Bobby never had a goomar