Gozer the Gozerian

@avclub-22259ee6329364cebbe4c40bd951f307:disqus Bobby never had a goomar

This is gonna be dickish, but you could have saved yourself some html trouble by just using quotes for the song titles instead of italicizing them.

This is gonna be dickish, but you could have saved yourself some html trouble by just using quotes for the song titles instead of italicizing them.

And still barely gets by, which makes him more human. Yeah, it's far and away my favorite Coen Brothers film, and that's saying something

And still barely gets by, which makes him more human. Yeah, it's far and away my favorite Coen Brothers film, and that's saying something

Oh really? Reiterated where?

Oh really? Reiterated where?



I think I meant to edit this away

I think I meant to edit this away

Lighten up, Francis!

Lighten up, Francis!

I agree about the Kojak/Big Steve chapters being great, but otherwise shut uppa you face!

I agree about the Kojak/Big Steve chapters being great, but otherwise shut uppa you face!

I was immediately disappointed by The Resistance and therefore had fairly low expectations for this one. Factor that info in however you like, but I love this fucking album while pretty much agreeing with 3/4 of this review. "Panic Station" is a triumph even while being an INXS style-bite (though I initially thought

I was immediately disappointed by The Resistance and therefore had fairly low expectations for this one. Factor that info in however you like, but I love this fucking album while pretty much agreeing with 3/4 of this review. "Panic Station" is a triumph even while being an INXS style-bite (though I initially thought

Lyrically they seem uber-serious to me, but otherwise I agree. I'm not going to give them huge artistic credit—despite their impressive playing abilities—but their songs make me happy, so whatever.

Lyrically they seem uber-serious to me, but otherwise I agree. I'm not going to give them huge artistic credit—despite their impressive playing abilities—but their songs make me happy, so whatever.

The Resistance, actually. And I found that one extremely underwhelming but can't stop playing The 2nd Law, so maybe check it out for yourself.