Gozer the Gozerian

The Resistance, actually. And I found that one extremely underwhelming but can't stop playing The 2nd Law, so maybe check it out for yourself.

I don't think you can really call the review biased unless Bellamy cheated on her or Wolstenhome once kicked her dog. I love this album, but her opinion is valid even if she came into it not liking the band.

I don't think you can really call the review biased unless Bellamy cheated on her or Wolstenhome once kicked her dog. I love this album, but her opinion is valid even if she came into it not liking the band.

The next one will be Pol Pot Mol, just to change it up a bit.

The next one will be Pol Pot Mol, just to change it up a bit.

"Once you check in you're sure to check out!"

"Once you check in you're sure to check out!"

You might as well have said, "Check out Google Image search"

You might as well have said, "Check out Google Image search"

That's what he'd have you believe, but I saw him in Huntington Beach either just before or just after he was elected governor, and he's 5'10" at best. I'm 6'2" and I was noticeably taller than he was.

That's what he'd have you believe, but I saw him in Huntington Beach either just before or just after he was elected governor, and he's 5'10" at best. I'm 6'2" and I was noticeably taller than he was.

Fantastic, but challenge: Go the full Yankovic with it and get back to us. I'll play the hot fiddler chick in the video

Fantastic, but challenge: Go the full Yankovic with it and get back to us. I'll play the hot fiddler chick in the video

Because being at least six inches taller than Arnie wouldn't have been a contrast?

Because being at least six inches taller than Arnie wouldn't have been a contrast?

Oh man, where's @ToddVanDerWerff:disqus when you need him?

Oh man, where's @ToddVanDerWerff:disqus when you need him?

I was waiting out of respect, and also you nailed pretty much everything, but I'm borderline obsessed with that one SVU episode he's in where he plays a psychologist who kills the kid who killed his son, then figures out a way to get out of it with a momentary insanity plea. Would have liked to hear him say anything

I was waiting out of respect, and also you nailed pretty much everything, but I'm borderline obsessed with that one SVU episode he's in where he plays a psychologist who kills the kid who killed his son, then figures out a way to get out of it with a momentary insanity plea. Would have liked to hear him say anything

I think that was just the blow-off, where they show some cooch in addition to all the jiggling of boobies. Wow, I sound charming.