Gozer the Gozerian

Stung by wasps

In the season 1 finale they have an exchange to that effect, though I think it's Cat asking why he did it and he says "I'd rather hoped the fall would kill him."

I'm gonna fuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk yoooouuuuuuuuuuu haaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrard!

Oh, how I still love her. I only wish GCB were even remotely tolerable. Seems like she'd be good for some Apatow or McKay comedy. Someone tell those guys!

@avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus It's because Mike Noonan talks about Ralph Roberts and Joe Wyzer from Insomnia early in the book.

@avclub-2bc89f96d5af36cd7c598b934297491f:disqus Don't forget well-endowed

As long as we can agree that "Across the Shields" is great, I'll let you have your contrary opinion. FOR NOW.

I've always seen the similarities, but I chocked that up to his obsession with good vs. evil, the coming of the White, all that. Unless King has stated that Gaunt is Flagg—which would be retconning almost as obnoxious as the intro to Wolves of the Calla re: Walter and Flagg—I'm gonna stick with them being separate

Aw, c'mon, @avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus , I was only playin'

This is by far my favorite Steven King book of the ones I've read

Flagg isn't in Needful Things, unless you're implying that Leland Gaunt was also Flagg. I haven't heard that before.

The former, but I went to pet him and his nose flew off, rendering him incapable of flying.

Not usually at the same time

Boy is my face red

I'm too late to the party to get yelled at, so I'll go ahead and say it: The Raconteurs' Consolers of the Lonely is the best thing White has ever recorded. After one pass through this, I'm glad to hear it sounds much more like that than his White Stripes output.

Dude, I had a dream about a cyborg chihuahua pilot the other night.

The spam is liking its own comments! The end is nigh!


You just explained how Hyden was begging the question in his article. However, you still used the phrase wrong in your comment. Just so you know.

That's ridiculous. We should all hate her because she's rude, arrogant and overhyped, not because of some xenophobic nonsense.