Gozer the Gozerian

I think Dickie is the easiest of all. When he's on the ground moaning, he's clearly holding his left leg, and shooting him in his good leg seems exactly like the kind of thing Raylan would do.

The dragons do kick some major slaver ass at the end of A Storm of Swords.

@avclub-5e550d516b252b5d3e9a239590372fed:disqus Where's the Mormont/warging insinuation located? I completely missed that.

She was, wasn't she? I always loved that she tells you she has a noticeable difference in the size of her breasts, and then you see that yep, Amanda Aday really did!

Yes, this is the moment it leaves him though. He has one last flash of humanity as he realizes just what he is, but Norman fucks it up.

Also, the Wikipedia page is surprisingly helpful in this regard.

This is gonna sound like wishful thinking, @avclub-8b7f16bef41992eea9090b2cf28c25ae:disqus , but if you were big, dumb Meryn Trant, would you cop to letting him get away? Or maybe he changed his face in front of him and scared the hell out of him. I dunno, it's probably not true, but part of me thinks we've seen Syrio

Oh, duh! Thanks, @avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus . I had forgotten that completely. Her chapters are only good for her escalating insanity and the occasional glimpse into Kevan's surprising awesomeness.

I feel like in the books we see less of Robb's doubt. By the beginning of book 2 he's all-in on the king thing.

Ok, I feel dumb here, but what was Tyrion hinting at? I assumed it was something to do with the knife, or Petyr telling Cat that Tyrion was behind the attempt on Bran's life.

Stannis is a badass AND a prickly puss.

I'm blanking on where "little brother" is referenced. Details?

Yeah, I guess I just got onto the whole "Sofie's got powers, I knows it!" train early enough that I didn't buy it being Apollonia. Especially since Apollonia's side of the conversation seems to be denial of sending any visions.

If you're still reading these, @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , I have a question about article stats. Do you go by independent page views, like, separate IP addresses and everything, or just the total? Also, that question sounds, like, totally well-informed.

Have you seen the whole series? I mean, I put SPOILERS so I assume so, but if you haven't, don't read this.

It is



I think it starts really strong, but I don't like it the whole way through.

Can you explain why, though? I felt that all the hand-wringing over the article being sexist was overblown and tone deaf, but I can see why people thought it was a shallow exploration of the actual music. I love Klosterman, so I can be more forgiving of his writing tics, but I thought his main point came through even