Gozer the Gozerian

Absolutely. I didn't feel that my right to dislike was being impugned, just coming from the point of view of someone who has been called a troll before for disliking this particular film. And as a parallel to your statement about long-term value, I've noticed that as I get older I would rather engage in a conversation

I actually quite liked Juliet, Naked.

I wouldn't go so far as terrific, but "Jesus, I/Mary Star of the Sea" is one of Corgan's best songs. The album is certainly better than any post-Mellon Collie Pumpkins output.

I'm with you. The hype didn't help anything, but it didn't work for me at all.

Ditto. And every subsequent increase in prescription on my way to going blind.

Yeah, I fail to see the pretension. Is it because Finn is well-read and writes story-like lyrics?

Your initial complaint is actually a pet peeve of mine. Of course it's just an opinion! My friends used to get so worked up over my strong negative opinions of their favorite bands, and I always thought it was a huge waste of energy. You shouldn't need someone to qualify their subjective statement for you, just go on

Call me a troll, then, because I think There Will Be Blood is a terrible fucking movie. Well, scratch that. I think it's a terrible fucking story that's acted and shot beautifully (though Dano is awful in every scene but the post-oil-dunking dinner with his family). I won't go into more detail because arguing about

Hell yeah to "All Misery/Flowers." The music on this show is excellent.

I love this episode. Someone said above that Justin is discovering what he is and what he can do, but not necessarily using his new knowledge for evil. Taking it further, I think at this point he still believes himself to be an instrument of God. As far as he's seen, his powers have mostly been used in the service of

After briefly emerging as a flesh-and-blood teenager last week, Jahel reverted to her role as the Spanish Exposition. And by this point, everybody expects the Spanish Exposition.

LOL indeed

She actually appeared briefly two episodes ago, being dragged by the vines that were after the camerman

Where was this said? And knowing EW, it could be someone like Dickie or Johnny.

"they soon laid into him with a rancor uncharacteristic of Star Wars fans, except those Star Wars fans whose favorite character is the Rancor."
Yes, O'Neal, yes.

"Tighter and Tighter" is the shit, and has one of my favorite guitar solos ever. I love most of Down on the Upside and think it gets unfairly derided.

I once saw Audioslave do this song, with Brad Wilk singing the Vedder parts. That was…weird. However, I was lucky enough to be at that show in the last video, at the former Universal Amphitheatre in LA in September of 2009, and it was awesome. Though I imagine all the people whining about 'hungerdungerdang' would

I think Yield is hugely underrated. I would go so far as to rank it third behind whichever order you prefer for Ten and Vs.

Pretty sure "Who You Are" is on Riot Act. But otherwise I agree, good song.

"Mother, mother FOUND meee on her STEP…"