Gozer the Gozerian

"Pushin' Forward Back," bitches.

I was just going to ask the same thing, but I liked his answer about the last one, so I guess I'm ok with it. Glad you got Dead Calm, Event Horizon and In the Mouth of Madness in there, even if he didn't go into great detail. Memoirs of an Invisible Man would have been fun too, if only so you could coax some "Chevy's

The biggest problem with the Weird Al WTF is Maron's lack of knowledge of his subject. Al carries the conversation just fine, and the creative discussions are good, but I would have loved to hear more about his albums and, of course, UHF.

And you'd both be right! Hooray for opinions!

Con was the wealthy husband murdered by his wife's lover in the Hitler paintings/Buster Bluth episode in season 1.

I actually think that if I saw it for the first time now I would like it more. The pretentiousness bugs, yeah, and I've always hated Jake Gyllenhaal, but I got more annoyed by the time loop stuff, and the knowing look between Mary McDonnell and Jena Malone at the end.

@avclub-b210215075f68e712aa3d04c9269aea8:disqus , that was part of what cracked us up so much, that she dug it. But also, we had seen so many movies already that we knew what was good and what was bad, and Cobra is just terrible.

Someone needs to attack Donnie Darko. Seriously, fuck that movie.

In 8th grade my friend and I went to the house of a girl who liked him, and she had us watch Cobra. We made fun of it so relentlessly that she lost her shit and her older brother escorted us out. Real ladies men, the two of us.

This makes me so happy. I was obsessed with this movie when I was 12, seeing it three times in theaters and refusing to change the Demolition Man month on my Blockbuster Video calendar the next year. It really is one of the better hybrids of that decade, and for my money the last good Stallone action film. Snipes is

My girlfriend grew up friends with the daughter of the guy who plays the mask-maker, and it caused her to not take any of that episode seriously, whereas I was still freaked out on the third viewing.

Whoa, whoa, hold up a second…Robert Davi? THE Robert Davi?

I love it, and I won't even bother getting into why since around here it's a minority opinion. I will say that I always hated Lauren Holly's character and was glad they killed her, but I miss Cate (Kate?). However, neither of them were actually in the episode, they just got Livia Soprano-ed. Also, Kate (Cate?) did

How DARE he disparage his award-worthy scene in Eraser???!!!?!??!

Here's some Wang Chi awesome from Big Trouble in Little China:

Ooh, ooh, I know!

But what we really want to know is if there's anything on par with Balance's all-time classic, "Big Fat Money."

Fuck yeah, Fair Warning. "Mean Streets," "Sinners Swing!" and, as you said above, "Unchained."

Whoa, really? Does he smile once the entire film?

I'm 30 and let me tell you, it only gets worse.