Gozer the Gozerian

I say Levy, if only because she appears less like something someone made up than Stone does.

Given your propensity for liking stuff that gets derided around here (and vice versa), I'd half expect you to defend Candlebox.

I'm not currently re-watching, but if you're referring to the guy who played Otho in Beetlejuice, I'm pretty sure he's around for awhile.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus is right—everyone will still be ruined over the RW. Joff choking to death will be nice and all, but it can't make up for what comes before.

Oops, he dies in the penultimate episode

I would never use that as a real insult, my love for the under-used Tom Nuttal notwithstanding. However, I fundamentally disagree. Season 2 continues the evolution of Swearengen, who manages to take the season over even while getting taken off the board temporarily so Wolcott can insert himself into the narrative. And

Wow, disagree. Season 2 is my favorite season of anything, ever.


Do it!

That may be true, and Beaver's story may have just been a rumor that spread through the set. His version is more interesting, though, so I choose to believe it.

"I apologize"

I assume at least Todd is aware of this, but when Sepinwall did his re-watch of this season last summer Jim Beaver, the actor who played Ellsworth, showed up in the comments on almost a weekly basis with lots of great stories and insight. He had some particularly interesting things to say about Flora and Miles:

"Pushin' Forward Back" is the tits

Cornell may be an asshole, but at least he's written at least one good song, ever.

And Con Stapleton (Peter Jason), who was the murder victim in the episode that also featured Buster Bluth.

Man, I thought he was so good on Band of Brothers, and he hasn't done anything worthwhile since then.

I'm pretty sure your particular wish is gonna be granted soon

Speaking of which, Martin posted a chapter from The Winds of Winter at his website right around Christmas. I imagine you all will want to read it.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus , if Yoren dying upset you, then you definitely walked away at the right time.

So…you're saying it's bad?