Gozer the Gozerian

Slave Ambient went from making me scratch my head to being on repeat. Definitely more a grower than a shower, but worth the effort. Burst Apart has one of the best Track 1's of the year, but then I get kinda bored. And the guy from Cloud Nothings has an annoying voice. Now you know how I feel, and I'm sure you're a

I feel like The Knot has the crash, and Civilian has the finesse. But still, "Holy, Holy," "Civilian" and "We Were Wealth" make you sleepy? Gotta disagree there.

Nice to see some Joy Formidable love. I really dig that band, and strongly suggest you see them live if you haven't.

Two 'gays!' Careful you don't pull your troll muscle.

My problem with the mole thing: Wouldn't the mole have also warned Walker to stop calling his wife?

Pleased to meet you, Brody; hope you guess my name!"

Ahh, yes, of course! Can't believe I forgot that particular bit of squirminess.

Refresh my memory with Rome?

Yeah, but Dean Norris was in lots of small film roles before Breaking Bad. I think Gilliam was only really on Oz

Like TuxedoMonkey, I'd take those every time over Richards' fakeys

I still regret letting you go, but I just couldn't have you prancing around in my sweet see-through bubble wrap jumpsuit thing.

Yes! My stubborn insistence on the old school tickets as opposed to the lame PDF versions has finally paid off!

Not to just completely live up to the expectations around here, but I spent a lot of personal time with Dina Meyer on the VHS copy of this I had. Always thought she was hotter than Denise Richards.

(Everyone cheers)

I'm sure Mediafire feels much better now

Forget? How could you forget Durst's lame attempt at beefing with Trent Reznor?

I can confirm that I still have it, and that it doesn't hold up. Shocking, I know.

Care to upload it somewhere and give me the link? That's the one BR I don't have.

Heh, loads

Yeah, strongly disagree. The 2nd season cranks things up to full-blown crazy. In a good way.