Gozer the Gozerian

The lack of 'likes' here is deeply upsetting


CARNIVALE! I need to know if I'm supposed to like it as much as I do. TELL ME HOW TO LIVE, TVDW!

(Insert comment about all black people not looking alike and declaration of racism here)

Well, there goes any hope that Manny survives the season, which is a real shame. Not that the show needs more characters, but he's been great. RIP Angela, but it was time to trim the fat.

I'm a little concerned we haven't seen any casting news for Meera, Jojen or Reek

I guess that makes a certain sense. He's gonna disappear until Season 4 or 5, so why hire some who may not hang around? I'm sure there was a similar logic applied to not having Roose Bolton last year, I guess?

Pretty sure the bearded guy on the horse was Davos, as it looked exactly like Liam Cunningham. Plus, when did Balon ever ride a horse?

I think he was spoiler alerting himself

I still use songs from that on mixes.

I dunno, that 2009 series against the Yanks was probably decided in that ugly Game 2 they couldn't quite pull out, and it still went six.

Seems like the portal in this book is always to the same time, whereas the guy in Lightning bounced around.

@TheColonel9000:disqus  is right that 2 and 3 are the ones that suck everybody in, but I disagree that you should stop. If you like those books, there is no way you won't read 4 anyway.

"Long jaunt, Dad!"

With you on Insomnia. I love that book. Desperation is great too, but I guess I must like Bag of Bones, Tommyknockers and Needful Things better than everyone else.

I haven't read them since middle school, but Watchers, Lightning and Phantoms all worked for me.

Excuse me, Todd, but the Angels have twice played in the ALCS since then. That's as close to the series as you can get.

Saying the hat turned you off of the show is idiotic. I mean, seriously, it's a fucking hat.

Anyone else think the ending felt a little too rushed and