Gozer the Gozerian

Yeah, @avclub-6409a914418a021e6e9fe03225cf0581:disqus and @avclub-7e72b5fe1ad8fd5b388a5260ba7c07fe:disqus  , I was tired and should have gone into more detail. Whether it's dead or not, they are, and for all we know one of them has been changed (though my money would be on MacCready, since Childs wanders away just

Dennis Lehane is mean, that's for sure. No wonder David Simon hired him.

I would throw a vote Mystic River's way. That movie is friggin' bleak.

So disappointing. I don't know if it's outside the bounds of interview ethics, but I'm genuinely fascinated by the sheer amount of nudity she did in her career and what she (and other actresses who frequently show skin) thinks about it. I assumed it might come up with S.O.B. or Nowhere to Run.

I think the story goes that he was both difficult to deal with and forgetting his lines. I like to believe he was randomly spouting dialogue from Independence Day and Necessary Roughness.

I think someone just inadvertently created a new gimmick

Yeah, I was really disappointed that didn't make the interview, though not nearly as disappointed as I was when I re-watched Freejack the other day for the first time in 15 years. That thing has not aged well.

The good type.

No, and I wasn't making any claims about influence or body of work (though at this rate, they'll challenge). But seeing them categorized as a Radiohead, while accurate within the framework of this piece, made me realize how much more I like them than Radiohead at this point.

Well, that was just about the most perfect typo. I'm actually shocked you guys haven't accused me of doing it on purpose.

I realize it's not really german to the point of the article, but can we go ahead and acknowledge that TV on the Radio is currently better than both of these bands?

Yeah, very much digging this record. Not sure I like it more than The Black Angels' Phosphene Dream, though. Not a fan, Hyden?

As long as he's still playing my ancestor Devil Anse Hatfield in the long-awaited Hatfields/McCoys feud biopic from History, then everything's all right.

I'm in!

Did not!

I think you wandered into the wrong corner of the internet there, Plainview

Good choice. They were great, and sorely under-attended (they overlapped with John Fogerty, Little Dragon and Major Lazer) so it was easy to get up close, but they only played nine songs. I was standing right at the stage after, trying to think of something non-creepy to say (yeah, I want to have her babies too), when

Careful, Hyden, lest you spawn a new commenting meme to replace Dawes

"Phil Leotardo (one of the best late-addition characters in the history of TV)"
I asked Todd a question in very similar words on Twitter last night, and I guess that line is my answer. Phil is hateful as shit, but never far from a great turn of phrase.

One of my best friends is named Jeff Ryan! What are the odds?????