Gozer the Gozerian

Call me a sucker, but I never got upset with The Dark Tower. It had more missteps near the end than at the beginning or middle, but at that point I was so in with the characters, especially Roland, that it didn't matter.

I'm confused still. Why are the subject lines going away? How will we know what to talk about in each individual thread? By reading? HA!

Love Her
Arlene is a maddening character (and yes, please make fun of me for taking True Blood seriously enough to care about that), but Preston is so adorable and charming that it doesn't matter.

I think we all won, fastandsloppy

The connection is tenuous, but it involves Mike Noonan having a conversation with Ralph Roberts, the hero of Insomnia. Ralph's friend, the pharmacist Joe Wyzer, may be in it too, though for even less time than Ralph. No mention of the Tower or Roland or the Crimson King is made though, it's just clearly occurring in

While they've slipped a little the past two seasons, I would argue that NCIS has always been very good at character development as well. Definitely lots of magic computers, though.

I think the gist was more that UK Valiant up there was a bit of a twit for complaining about spoilers in the comment section of a season finale.

What did Pitchfork say in their annual "Worst Album Covers" piece? Something about Brian Dennehy at the opera? Genius, and I hate Pitchfork.

Ahh, the dangers of the parenthetical: I lost track of my own sentence

@Bradlee The new one, or Evil Urges?

You're saying it's good, yes? Count me as in the pro-Evil Urges camp, even if it could have ditched a couple tracks and been sequenced better.

If you enjoyed the 3rd season of Lie to Me, then I strongly suggest the 2nd. The show really started clicking then, not surprisingly with Shawn Ryan as its head guy.

Yeah, the best songs on here have a bouncy march to them, and if that sounds ridiculous I'll remind you that I am no critic but rather a beast from another dimension

Not sure why this posted twice, I only clicked the post button once…

I'd be shocked if he didn't show up on Luck at some point, but I'm really hopeful he finds his way onto Justified. Not just because of the tendency toward Deadwood actors on that show, but because he and Olyphant would be awesome together. Or can you imagine him facing off against Boyd?

I'd be shocked if he didn't show up on Luck at some point, but I'm really hopeful he finds his way onto Justified. Not just because of the tendency toward Deadwood actors on that show, but because he and Olyphant would be awesome together. Or can you imagine him facing off against Boyd?

No Rome or Carnivale?
That's it, I'm writing a strongly-worded letter about the lack of what I want coming from my free online content. You guys are mean!

Yeah, Crewmember, my girlfriend gets pissed every time they do it. "Why not just have that conversation somewhere else???" I agree it looks tacky, but I just assumed they were saving money there to spend on the never-ending awesome guest actors.

Oh, HELL yeah, Incognito. I think Sepinwall actually suggested McShane to Graham Yost during an interview before this season began. Hopefully Olyphant can second that.

Oops, yes, that should be cavalry