Gozer the Gozerian

Is it just me, or was he ultimately the most interesting of the Bennetts? I never bought him as being as tough as he thought, but he was smarter than his brothers by a fair margin, and potentially a really interesting long-term foil. Not sad to see him go, necessarily, but it could have been cool to see his next

She probably only had the one tainted glass

Obligatory Lecherous Comment
Can you blame Gibbons? She really puts the ass in—

i + 1, I would absolutely watch that. Does that make me a bad person?

The company name Raylan linked to Duffy was a Silverado reference

Get 'em, Zack!

I'll keep watching because I'm drawn to these kinds of stories, and also Eva Green's fantastic breasts, but it's kinda boring. Killing Purefoy's character so soon was a mistake.

Well, THAT was uncalled for!

"I don't mind that she leaves because she seems as though she was cast entirely for her breasts."

May you get a double dose of medieval CancerAIDS

I say yes.

Yeah, Vonda's line especially made it seem out of place, but I guess we have to go with Ryan on this, since I can't think of why he'd lie.

Are you telling us you enjoy pie of the mincemeat or cow variety, Agent Broyles?

Benny, I don't know that I loved how it ended, but the larger problem is a narrative choice that comes up near the end of the fifth book. Still, it's an epic story, one that deserves to be read, and if you liked Lost I think you'll find plenty to like here.

It also doubled as a stealth first, which is kind of impressive.

I blame screeners

There it is
I actually let the three previous episodes pile up on my DVR, so I watched all of those on Saturday, then only had a couple days to wait for this, and I think it raised my appreciation of the show quite a bit. Of course, it's also hitting a major stride, and I'm a huge sucker for Eamonn Walker, but barring

She was hot in American Wedding, and charming too, as someone above noted.

sarCCastro, I'm leaning towards the second group after one listen. But, somewhat something-ly, I fall more into the first group and still like this quite a bit so far.

I'm not through the whole thing yet, but after six songs I'm not sure I agree with Timbo's statement. It's more like In Rainbows' own Amnesiac.