Gozer the Gozerian

Hmm, not sure how to take that comment, except to say that I tend to like Amnesiac better than Kid A.

I had no email, but I used the confirmation email to track my order, and from there I could download the album. Haven't listened to it yet, but thanks for the heads-up, Hyden!

I think you meant "likely."

I'm with sarCCastro. Tobias went on all last season about Boyd's supposed nefarious plans, when it turned out he was legit. He even referred to him recently as last season's Big Bad, which is just silly. I'm gonna wait and see what Boyd does before I form an opinion on where he stands.

So Phipps hasn't seen Deadwood OR The Shield? How did he get hired again?

I really hope he's kidding, and laughing at all of us for being so concerned. But just in case, yeah, get that shit checked out. Bleeding penis is no fun, as I can personally attest to.

"Maybe I could drink Cyril's blood! Wait, what am I saying? I don't even know what type he is!"

Skunk Anansie were great in Strange Days

I can't believe I used to sing along to that unironically. I can't believe there was a time when I didn't understand the concept of ironically listening to music.

Except you are, Tim!

Possibly, but he took a decent idea and a great leading man on Lie to Me and turned a standard, boring procedural into something quite good.

I envision a utopia where all my favorite shows, high-concept or otherwise, garner twenty million viewers. I think it would look a bit like San Angeles, with lots of Taco Bells.

Don't be talkin' bad about NCIS! I can't think of a defense that will possibly convince anyone on these boards…but still!

While you're at it, why not throw Carnivale and Rome to whoever's left standing that didn't get The Wire.

I know nobody agrees with me, but I far prefer White's other two bands. Hopefully this will mean more output from the Raconteurs, now that Allison from the Dead Weather is tied up with the Kills again.

Elephant is great, but I actually think Icky Thump is underrated.

@Lupin, I think about that every time I see them in photos or at one of their concerts. You just know the red-headed kid from The 'burbs has been all up in that violinist.

Justin Peroff, the BSS drummer, is a good dude. We have a mutual close friend, I've hung out with him a couple times, and I can vouch for his non-doucheness.

Pennywise would make this show infinitely better

El Santo, better hope Beck doesn't sue you