Gozer the Gozerian

You Guys Are Mean
I LOVED The Doom Generation when I found it in 7th grade. Sure, almost all of that had to do with Rose McGowan's frequent nakedness, but I ended up growing fond of the weird and haphazard nature of the story, such as it is. Of course, I haven't seen it in years, but every time I see James Duval at

Interesting list. But I have to wonder, do you listen to all of the Lost Highway soundtrack, including the score, or just the Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Smashing Pumpkins, Lou Reed and Rammstein (Ramm-stein!!) songs?

More than a little surprised
By all the disdain being heaped upon both of these bands. Not that me and my asshole contemporaries in the immediate vicinity were an accurate example of everyone, but I got the impression that Definitely Maybe, (What's the Story) Morning Glory?, The Bends and OK Computer were all more or

Further use of the internet has instructed me that what I believed to be a third option was, in fact, degrees of "Thumbs up" or "Thumbs down" and the related graphics, showing thumbs ranging from non-commital to disturbingly enthusiastic.

Am I crazy, or did the Siskel and Ebert shows have a middle rating option that was unleashed every once in a while?

Actually, Outsourced hasn't been renewed yet, so there's still hope it will die its deserved death.

Hey, Izabella Miko in a leotard is nothing to sneeze at

Thanks, Shitegeist! Nice to see a familiar face around here

Yeah, the reviewer's shitting upon "The Bronze" makes me distrust him immediately. My other favorites are the original "Born to Hula" (from the split with Kyuss) and "Ode to Clarissa." Anybody wanna help me track down "Infinity?" It may be the only QOTSA song I don't have.