Only cookies never existing could get rid of me!
Only cookies never existing could get rid of me!
Me could be co-star for Will Smith. We could frolic through flowers, share cookies, say witty one-liners to on and another. It be great!
Me happy to make you reluctantly chuckle.
But where Francis The Groovy Mule?
No it wasn't.
All You Need Is Cookies
This comment was perfect…LIKE MANY COOKIES I EAT!!!!
Me felt Extraordinary League of Gentleman movie OK. It not great, but it not worse than 74.31% other summer blockbusters.
Me feel Alan Moore has created much great work, but mean-spirited comments towards people adapting his work cross line.
Me just wish it rained cookies!
This isn't Dissolve!!
@avclub-d9f98704e1610e7073dbee992ee1f381:disqus Yet, at AV Club, we're here to stay!
Me hoping for a cookienado!
Why does Robert De Niro pick such bad movies? Me enjoyed him in Silver Linings Playbook, but this and Big Wedding are draining me good will.
What kind of gimmick this?
A is for AnotherCookieMonster, that's the name for me!
Me enjoy Guillermo Del Toro, so me hoping for the best. Me just hope, while working with an inflated budget, he doesn't lose artistic qualities and virtues that earned our respect in first place.
Me was actually impressed with his play writing skills, not to mention his ability to dance to the twist!
Me love James Franco, especially in Spider-Man 2, when his emotional conflicts really helped show some of his future acting capabilities.
Do you have Cookie In A Cup?