
Me remember when review for this first posted. Me got first comment and got so much attention! Oh, those were times, back when Snickerdoodles only 3 dollars at Target, foxes didn't say anything and me was just a cookie monster wanting to make people laugh.

Me think it can be traced back to cynicism of me generation. We all practically live in doubt, with us never fully trusting anyone. Me have a feeling that can be attributed to much of the horrifying terrorism that populate world today, but it has lead to cynicism in today's politicians. Thus, media reflect that in

Cookies is forever too.

Is a Rocket Raccoon another person in me neighborhood?

No lie! Me trying to lose some pounds after eating too many Christmas Cookies, and me would appreciate consideration from fellow gym people.

I think we all can agree that me join this site best part of 2013.

How provocative!

Me would rather have Cookie with Pepsi on it, but whatever,


Me no fan of change. But as long as AV Club continue to supply high quality articles, me will adjust to change, just like how me adjust to how Keebler Cookies taste these days.

Me looking forward to Day of Doctor almost as much as me looking forward to Day Of Cookies.

Let face it such actions are far from cromulent

Not liking cookies? That a paddlin!

Every perfect day for me had two things; cookies and Lou Reed's music.

This weird gimmick.

Like how me parody of Share It Maybe more popular than Call Me Maybe?

Me would really like two dozen and one cookies.

How many of us Cookie Monsters running around in this AV Club?

Stop stealing me gimmick!

Me need Cookies around my comments or they all not as delicious as me want.