
Maybe this should have been called
Un-read hats.

I have often wondered if 'Day Man' was derived from Charlie's last name.

I agree, if you are into First Person shooters, specifically war themed, this is a must own. Speaking of ownage, me and ZMF have been tearing up the multiplayer.

Brazilian influence seems to be seeping into hip-hop a lot these days, between this stuff and the Radio Do Canibal that just came out.

Here I was thinking that Steve Forbes was probably the worst SNL host of all time, and then you go and remind me of Michael Phelps. Holy shit was he bad.

On the way can you pick up two dutch? Aiight peace, see you when you touch

I loved the flashback scene in the car, mainly because of the ridiculous 50's ditty that they were singing.

Whoa, you had me for a second there.

Intervention! Intervention!

That actually reminded me of something the British troupe would do.

I'm gonna call shenanigans, guys.

New Girl
What was going on between Pam and the new receptionist before the shit storm hit? With the candy on the desk and everything..?

What about Stanley's laugh when Michael says "She won't do what I want her to."

"Capitol Hill is givin' out free guitars!" Or somethng to that effect.

The freakening

Man, fuck Jerry Minor.

Oh no, you don't.

Whoa whoa hey..the fuck is this?

This is also the second episode in a row where Larry gets his ass kicked at the end.

Man, I had a firstie all planned out-