
Last week's was better.

Beg your pardon?

I don't like this show
I shouldn't have it foisted upon me.

Shut it down…
Shut it down.

I thought it sucked.

Entourage feminine hygiene products for everyone!

That wouldn't be too far off the mark. It;s a fun show. The characters are great though and the dialogue is actually pretty good.

I like to watch people fuckin' on film!

Whats the punishment for that sort of thing around here?

A B? What the F? I thought this was maybe the best one they've done. Its like they played to everyone's strengths. Plus there was the bewildered outsider which is always win.

Nora Dunn Uber Alles
First Entourage, now this. Where will she pop up next?

I can't believe that they managed to ugly up Chloe O'Brien so well

It was their finest (half) hour.

Wait, isn't Andy a virgin?

Trying to make the connection
Between the torn scrotum and the torn veil..

Actually, to me it goes like this:

Epic Episode
I was actually starting to wonder if this show and The Office and this show traded writers or something.

Agreed. I didn't realize how loquacious he was until the Pirate episode.

What does your sign say?

But didn't Charlie love the Nightman?