
Re: Hijacker shooting - Remember, Blake shot the random brown shirt during the raid…so I took that him saying he shot a hijiacker as reference to killing the random policeman to escape and sell his cover.

Total lack of growth…the producers got their big ratings and decided "Don't mess with anything, it's working!".  Plus, I don't know that the producers responsible for this have any real interest in the art of television in the first place…Taxi had James L. Brooks as driving force in addition to a damn fine cast…2

Well, Parks & Rec benefits from being affiliated with NBC…the cut a huge deal with Netflix that included their network shows and USA stuff this summer, so that was probably unintended side-effect more than actual planning on anyone's part…

Maybe Ruxin's intervention earlier in the season succeeded on some level and after having a roster of actual players, Taco's weird or inattentive picking strategy has actually been semi-successfully and put him in as a wildcard or whatever…I agree Taco in the playoffs seems unlikely but it's not impossible after a

I thought putting Ted's mom in there at the end was over the top and trying too hard…after Ted popping in and out of the background, it just too much to pull him into the main story…

Agreed on the not stealing…Newman makes it pretty clear that they'd just load their cans into an empty truck going to Michigan to pick up all the extra mail for Mother's Day…cash in, pick up the cards, come back…

Yeah, I know I'm a week late but what the hell…

Andy's V addiction could have been interesting if he ended up in front of King Bill for his V using ways…considering Bill is his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather (giver or take a few greats) and Bill wouldn't have anything to do with Portia (Andy's sister) after finding out they were related…but I'm willing

department of corrections
Er, Bill was complaining to Nan about only having three vampires onstage at a vampire tolerance event…suggesting it was like having a civil rights event with no African-Americans and then Nan implied that having African-Americans there was why civil rights protests erupted in violence.

Local FOX station, you suck!
For some reason, we got Hell's Kitchen at 8, MasterChef at 9…which now explains the double elimination…soooooo, WTH FOX affiliates…

Telltale's Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space plays quite nicely on the Wii…of course, the Wii has the advantage of a very mouse-like interface with the Wii-mote…I've also played season 3 on the PS3 and it wasn't bad at all…so all this anti-console bias is unfounded since Telltale has shown they know what their doing…

Maybe I'm too forgiving…
Considering the whole premise is "Fish out of water", I can over look the culture jokes, even if they are cheap…I think unlike Mike & Molly (which has remained a one-note fat joke delivery system), Outsourced actually is attempting to develop its characters and explore their relationships.

Cinematic, the word is cinematic…
At its best with the Mythology and MotW, The X-Files was cinematic - "Piper Maru"/"Apocrypha" and "Pusher" really underline this. That's all I have to say about the good stuff…I think this comment has been made before…really, tho, I think that was the key…especially in mid-'90s…Lost,

I don't think it does either, it ends up being the same alien DNA in everything but what the oil does changes and it would seems the "Tunguska"/"Terma" oil becomes canon and the Piper Maru oil was sorta a side detour or false positive…of course, we also have the alien in Fallen Angel with looks nothing like the

Not a bad group…
I don't have much to say about "Grotesque"…although there's always been that undercurrent to Mulder's character where he could go sideways although it always seems like it be more, oh, Max Fenig than, say, slashing faces and making gargoyles out of the remains…

The fantasy element doen't knock the tragedy down…
Mostly because in the universe of The X-Files, there are aliens, they are colonizing Earth, and the only way that it's happening is selfish, human impulse to be on top and grab power…the aliens could destroy Earth, apparently, if there's any Wile E. Coyote-ness, it's

Yeah, the whole resolution would have seemed better with a deus ex machina coda of Management calling Michael and saying "We fixed this. This Time."

I like that the references weren't the joke…
The exchange about Beekman moving walls cracked me up as well as the Vader quote and the general homage to Seinfeld's man hands…which added to the joke rather than being the joke…the absurdity of the whole setup was funny in and of itself rather than "Hey, Arrested

I think the key to this episode and why it's worked better than the others so far this season is action was driven equally by the plot and the internal logic of the characters…episodes last season did a good job of letting the characters drive the action and having the plot evolve from their own internal

No, wait, I figured it out…"and more" refers to Bobby…no…Phil….no…Bobby…um….er, Knight?