breakfast waffles

definitely my favorite episode this season. andy daly is a goddamned national treasure. looking over the viewership on wikipedia, i'm very saddened to see that this season has lost quite a few viewers. wasn't it kind of on the bubble last season? i would be very sad to see this show get canceled. half a star indeed.

'Instead, the episode comes off as saying "if a girl gets mad at a guy
for some reason - it's always the guy's fault, and the right thing to do
is to grovel and humiliate yourself until the girl forgives you"'

as excited as i am, i can't help but feel that this is the beginning of the endgame. i'm going to be really sad when it's all over.

with all the mythology stuff lately (bill, portals, ford's return) this was a really pleasant standalone episode. i feel like stan has kind of been relegated to the background recently with ford getting more prominence since his return, although this may have been only for a couple episodes and the extended breaks

but how else will Brad The Dad feel like the Biggest Dad named Brad?

type "review with forrest macneil"

oh shit, i totally forgot mantzoukas was in season 1 as the crazy road rage guy.

i hope to god that the person who suggests he review suicide is played by scott aukerman (or jason mantzoukas)


i wonder if they'll turn Reed into an insane tyrant. never really liked ultimate FF but i vaguely remember liking the crossover with the ultimate x-men

to get differing perspectives? plus, on a personal note, noel murray, who did the season (5 episodes) grade, has been one of the better reviewers on here but not longer really contributes much so it was nice to see him review something for the tv club again.

it's pretty common for trailers to use unfinished/unfinalized shots or audio

yeah, there were a number of instances throughout the series where something like this came up. not necessarily as obvious as your example, but a few times i was left wondering, why didn't he hear/smell/taste/feel this or that.

i got a very different reading from this episode than you did. i actually felt that there was some amount of sincerity in raylan's talk with boyd at the end. which is not to say raylan has much affection for boyd, but that a connection exists between the two and raylan was affirming it. nor do i think raylan was

can we please get this version of felicity back on arrow?

this was a B episode for me (although i bumped up my grade to a B+ for Amy Acker's Scooby impression). the Frankie/Harper plot felt a bit perfunctory. i have yet to warm up to the Harper Rose character and Reese's romance with his therapist is a plot point that i could probably do without but it's early days so who

the dad was most certainly not speaking korean.

pretty sure those things can run on batteries

at least we have Root