breakfast waffles

clones? time travel? time-traveling clones?

that's a good point and one that i don't think was explicitly addressed in the show. i know the word "murder" has technical legal denotations, the specifics of which i'm not really aware of but oliver's vow really isn't about the legal ramifications of his actions but the moral implications. i think we can probably

well, can't someone be down on their luck outside of their professional life? like, oh my wife left me and i contracted aids, but work is pretty good.

one thing i would have liked to see more of (but would not have been germane to the stories of any of the actual core characters at all, thus totally impractical) is different peripheral characters interacting. would have loved to see orin help jean ralphio fake his death. seems like something he'd be into

thank you parks and recreation for being hilarious and unabashedly sincere until the end. this show has been such a deep well of joy for me (and clearly many others) over the years. smell you later forever.

thanks for the head's up!

i don't know if i'd go so far as to say it was putrid but very little about this season, apart from the flash crossover, has won me over. the plot has become unnecessarily convoluted and the characterizations have felt awry. everything just feels much less focused than before. i really wish that they would go back to

sure, it was ambiguous in a tv carnage kind of way in that we don't actually follow up on the health of the wounded, but it seemed pretty clear that oliver and diggle weren't exercising much restraint. i mean, at one point oliver shoots a flaming arrow into a guys chest. and body shots with assault rifles seem like

i will always, always upvote a good simpsons reference

wait, so is oliver back to straight up murdering people now? i know the circumstances are extreme, but considering that a huge part of his character development has been his refusal to kill since season 2, oliver and diggle's rampage through nanda parbat was a bit surprising (not that it wasn't awesome to watch). not

this is so awful. as soon as i saw that "harris wittels" was trending on twitter, my brain immediately went to his last appearance on you made it weird and i knew…part of me hoped he was trending because he did something so hilariously awesome that the world was finally becoming enlightened to his comedic genius. rest

wait, how did the Becoming flashback retcon every part of their relationship? i haven't watched buffy in years but i don't recall anything being retconned because of that particular flashback.

these were two very silly episodes, (ben getting knighted, bill murray, mayor gergich) but i loved them so fucking much

i know it's an av club platitude but, THIS FUCKING SHOW

his executive producer role is really in title only. he won't be having any actual input

i get the criticisms but i think that's kind of the point in terms of clarke's evolution at this point in the story. her actions are supposed to be somewhat troubling. she may be in charge, but that doesn't necessarily make her a good leader. at least not yet. a lot of the choices being made are being made out of

agreed on the raven/finn point. also, i like sassy raven. while i really enjoyed seeing clarke take charge this episode, she can become quite stubborn and tunnel visiony at times so i love that dynamic of raven not taking her shit.

a lot of the character's choices/views this season have been questionable. it's starting to worry me a bit. don't even get me started on thea's rationalization of malcolm.

really? huh, i do not remember that conversation. makes sense though. literally everyone oliver spends time with is either a vigilante or criminal.

yeah, this episode was a bit of a mess for me (this season as a whole really). more teary felicity, inactive diggle, brick's men confoundingly not using their guns in the street riot, no ray palmer, and i know they have their fans but i just never found roy or laurel to bring much to the table.
i did love lance