
At last, in the final season, the show admits that Liz Lemon is actually attractive.

But… but you can't have divorces without weddings!

But… but you can't have divorces without weddings!

Cannery WHOA!

Cannery WHOA!

Flee from this place, innocent creature!

Flee from this place, innocent creature!



The year that record came out, I went to visit a couple of friends of mine who'd moved away to attend college. One of them insisted on playing the album all the way through, and that we all *really* listen to it and appreciate it. I'm sure it's good, but any appreciation I might have for it is tainted by the fact that

The year that record came out, I went to visit a couple of friends of mine who'd moved away to attend college. One of them insisted on playing the album all the way through, and that we all *really* listen to it and appreciate it. I'm sure it's good, but any appreciation I might have for it is tainted by the fact that

Victoria Jackson?

Victoria Jackson?

Hey, remember that one time? It was pretty great.

Hey, remember that one time? It was pretty great.

If they don't make it on the TV show, I'm sure Big Finish would consider pairing them up for a few audios.

If they don't make it on the TV show, I'm sure Big Finish would consider pairing them up for a few audios.

*Patiently copy-edits the frantic editing*

*Patiently copy-edits the frantic editing*

I blame WOTAN.