
@Ike1:disqus What was especially bad about those TARDIS storage bay scenes is that they were on film, too. It made the out of place nature of those scenes even worse.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus  Hmm… back in the day people used to say the same sort of things about Jo Grant.

Yeah, and they could give him some important task that needs doing, and then have him quit just when everyone least expects it.

Ah, fuck it — let's just get it over with and have She and Him in there to do a twee, uptempo, uke, banjo and glockenspiel sort of thing.

"Don't make me shoot you! CROOOOOOOW!'

That's a big C celebrity if there ever was one!

Except, you know, in German.

What kind of candy bar? If it's a Take Five, I may not be suffering enough for you.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus  Yo!

Wait, what's the difference between a "facial area" and just a face?

In a lot of ways, 30 Rock could only have worked on NBC — a huge,
flailing network that was willing to hang on to a critically acclaimed
show with a small, devoted following, because that's better than taking a chance on some new dumb show with no following at all. God bless the chaos.

I'm not great with words, and I have only the most limited access to my own emotions, but I'm with you. I don't think I'll ever love another television show quite as much as I love 30 Rock.

Give me your fingernails!

After the last ten years or so, NBC is a hard network to like. It's like it's being run by crazy people!

You know, it really didn't hit me that 30 Rock will be ending, until I saw this episode. Now I'm laughing, and I am sad.

Imagine Jenna at that wedding, though, shouting, "Okay, yes, I'll sing!" as she elbows Tony Bennett out of the way.

Imagine Jenna at that wedding, though, shouting, "Okay, yes, I'll sing!" as she elbows Tony Bennett out of the way.

Yes, that room did seem to be excessively warm. (NOT FLAGGED!)

Yes, that room did seem to be excessively warm. (NOT FLAGGED!)

At last, in the final season, the show admits that Liz Lemon is actually attractive.