
I blame WOTAN.

@avclub-bde39af4e20b04c70c423bbc4868bfab:disqus  "how is Moffat going to do it?"

@avclub-bde39af4e20b04c70c423bbc4868bfab:disqus  "how is Moffat going to do it?"

Damn, I was betting on a fondue-making Cyberman.

Damn, I was betting on a fondue-making Cyberman.

That's easy: say nothing. If we stop reading and commenting, there's a chance that the A.V. Club will kill this review due to lack of pageviews.

I feel like there's some room for compromise here.

Or at least if you're going to write brief recaps surrounded by paragraphs of detached, barely there meanderings, do try to be a little funny. Like TWOP was seven or eight years ago!

Also, I don't remember much about mythology, but was Sisyphus actually pushing the boulder back down the hill? I thought his impossible task was to push the thing up without letting it roll back down. You know, gravity and all that.

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus I really hope they bring back Isabella Rossellini at some point.

@avclub-298673367c6de609ae5970ce1e699c50:disqus You make a good point. Rabin is obviously not getting what he needs from this show, which seems to be three-dimensional characters and earned pathos, even if it's something that the show isn't really going for. In the same way, I think a lot of us aren't getting what we

How do you know that the guy on the wasn't a doctor? Things are rough all over.

As much as I would like to believe it, I don't think Winger would ever wear that hat.

The thrusting part wasn't the problem. The hard part was getting the tasteful lighting and sax-based soundtrack just right.

That's funny — five times would only half way fill my church's Frequent Reclamation punchcard.

After listening to Robert Pollard's lyrics for so many years, it's often a shock to me to see how plainspoken he is in interviews.

The new drunk drivers…

Always good to see other Catherine Wheel fans online. I've run into more than a few over the years. We all seem to have that same story of finding CW's discs shelved in the "W" section of the record store. It's funny how often that happened.

Okay, so knowing that there's a vast collection of unreleased Hitchcock/Partridge collaborations out there is kind of killing me.

I remember UFO — the first shot in the opening montage showed somebody removing something from a dead alien's eyeball… yeuch!