
Mash the dirty reds!

I don't care what other people do (as long as it's legal), but I personally won't date anyone who isn't old enough to run for President. Mostly because being First Husband sounds like a sweet gig.

@Broyles: I don't know, if you value demureness and propriety in women, the kind of traits that don't lend themselves to enthusiastic participation in sex, but you still want to watch people having sex, what other kind of porn would you end up with? I have no idea whether or not this sort of thing is representative of

Yes it… isn't?

And pretty much anyone else… with the possible exception of Joe Estevez

Well, be careful. A surprising number of volcanic islands are secret hideouts for megloomaniacal villains.

Those aren't psychoanalysts — they're technicians who are trying to break you out of this virtual reality simulation.

But on a positive note, you are apparently very long-lived.

"Is it weird to have a boner right now?"

I can't date librarians. It always ends when they always find out about the massive fines I racked up back when I was young and reckless.

And we also got another subtle reference to the fact that Kenneth is incredibly old.

The thing you'll notice about me, Clark, is that I am often wrong about everything.

Repeating your band's name over and over? Sounds a little meglomaniacal to me.

Whining multi-millionaires are irritating, granted, but unlike folks who inherit their vast wealth, these guys are still working a job, and jobs suck. That doesn't mean that they don't lose their perspective, especially when all their friends are rich and famous and have the same problems, and can get annoyingly

Another factoid: Douglas Adams apparently listened to the One Trick Pony soundtrack album over and over again while finishing work on "So Long And Thanks For All The Fish."

If you want to know about a given rapper's shameful past, just listen to anyone he's got a beef with. But beware: Hip Hop artists are sometimes prone to exaggeration.

Up to now, I had no idea what those other two guys in the group were there for, but now I know: Inertia.

Fans tend to be way more brutal in their criticism of their shows than casual viewers. Casual viewers don't bother writing long comments about what bothered them, because they don't care enough to bother.

Abed's non-verbal response to Jeff's antics was all the more appropriate, given the fact that the episode started off with Pierce's complaint that he didn't have any lines in the play. You don't need words for a role to be worthwhile, it's what the actor brings to it that's important.