
The mixed messaging on drugs was pretty good. Very few outreach programs aimed at middle-schoolers make the point that drugs are actually pretty awesome—at first!

And due to an accident with a contraceptive and a time machine, my grandfather is Ozmodiar the third, and I am Ozmodiar the first.


Another common TV staple—Abed's Casio calculator watch. Always the go-to accessory when nerdy/socially awkward people are shown on TV.

Eh, what the hell…

Radiohead's got a definite aesthetic, and it seems to be varying degrees of looming dread and lurking menace. The kind of stuff that a person who seems congenitally incapable of having a good time might always be dwelling on. The 1000 yard stare from the misfit at a party.

Friend of mine went to the UK as an exchange student, and came back acting like he discovered Radiohead's "The Bends." Everyone he talked to was saying, "Oh yeah, that one-hit-wonder with that Creep song, right? Pass."

I would never wish violence on anyone, but she was one of the most annoying VJ's ever.

I'll still spin the occasionally Radiohead album, but what I'll always remember most about them is the impossible to navigate website they had around this time. Serious art apparently requires inscrutable user interface design.

I used to regularly pick up British music mags from Tower Books, and I seem to remember every single band interview including the question, "So, how do you think you'll do in America?" 1997 was the year that a lot of bands' (who subsequently went on to nothing) response was, "I like our chances!"

I'm sure there must be a book out there that covers shoegaze, Stathis, but I don't know. I spent much of the late nineties with my hair in front of my eyes, listening to My Bloody Valentine, et al, and getting into arguments about what exactly Catherine Wheel and Lush should be classified as. Those were the days… when

@Yankee Deer: You just reminded me of an insanely long article I once read, comparing and contrasting Oasis and Guided By Voices. I forget the exact point of the thing, but the writer seemed to believe that Bob Pollard had more creativity in his little finger than the Gallagher boys did in either of their gigantic

Music and cars
I clearly remember the first time I got to drive a car by myself after getting my license. I went down to the Dairy Queen, cranking Blur's "Leisure" on cassette, triumphant.

If Jack learned nothing from the woman with the hollow bones, it was what art is.

Like the plague?

If you're wondering why all the love that you long for eludes you… well, it's probably things like this.

The person I was watching with was shocked, but my first that was, "It's network television. There's no way their showing a dog's penis."

I kind of like Bob's Burgers. "Should I crawl up and hide in the ceiling? That's what dad would do."

Coming soon…
Man, Family Guy's unrated DVD extras for this season are going to be intense.

G. W. Bailey!