is it about my cube

[Trump is slowly fed into a roaring furnace]
Sled [whispering]: Cheeto. . .

Huh- I knew Bernie people who thought Hillary was just as bad as Trump are a thing. This is the first I've heard of the other way around.

Broken clock, etc.

"Thanks, Harold and gentle Kumar."
"Thanks, Kumar and gentle Harold."

Ah. Thanks.

Perfect. And monumentally depressing.

Sadly, this seems more likely. The guy's not going the can't-handle-the-strain crack up route. It's much more the totally-unhinged-but-keeping-a-tight-grasp-on-power thing.

Hey, all you cops who dig that surplus military gear you have no need of and love flash-grenade swat team raids on people with outstanding warrants for marijuana possession? It's showtime.

"But why doesn't the Gospel ever say that Christ laughed?" I asked, for no good reason. "Is Jorge right?"

The New York subway system apologizes?

Garth Ennis is right there with you.

I was a teenager when Weezer put out their first album, and like many other such things, I've long since internalized this and accepted that it makes me old without feeling bad about it.

The idea of a Vasquez-written Flinstones is mindblowing. I know it's not actually him, but I may need to check this out.

Well, it was until I walked into a U-Haul a few times. Now it's the prequel to Mona Lisa Smile and was directed by Patti Smith. Also, we all now live in a geothermal cave under Greenland.

Guy who made the 2000 Hamlet + composer for Under The Skin + meaty intellectual premise + great cast = oh hell yes

Dude. LOL. Glad the cubical across from me is temporarily deserted.

If he spends that time in prison, I'm OK with that.

It would be consistent on multiple levels for K. Thrace to suddenly show up again.

If you're not into the whole brevity thing.

"No, no one brought an extra bag!"