is it about my cube

They want Kentucky to go from a place where straight-identified people sometimes have gay sex to an east Asian country run by a supervillain?

Yes, but since everything about him is pure shit, it's impossible to hate him just because.

Not that I'm thrilled about it, but my understanding is that not only was all the Nazi stuff a screw-you to the older generation, a lot of people didn't really know what Nazis were about, just that it pissed off their parents. If that sounds far-fetched, consider that when Art Spiegleman started Maus in 1971, it took

I think that was actually the Dead Boys, and it was Genya Raven.

Holy shit. I hadn't heard that.

Darkwing Duck went for a really ballsy and/or stupid version of that once. As Drake Mallard he dressed as DD for Halloween. His neighbor complimented his costume, but said no one would mistake him for the real thing.

Trump only wishes he could be Queen of Summer.

Not that I know of. At one point The Walkmen were supposedly working on a collaborative novel, but it never surfaced.

And the Chris Christie meatloaf incident.

What the hell, I might as well take every chance I get before Kinja:

Also, NYT says there's now a Ukranian hacker certifying that he made the malware that hit the DNC, and it's provably the same stuff used to fuck with Ukranian elections in 2014. To be fair, there's no link making it 100% certain that Russia was behind the Ukranian hacks. There is a link that makes it very, very,

I agree, but if they don't try, we don't get Wolf In White Van. A few failures is an OK price in my book.


Every time Wilde turned out another brilliant witticism, a sentence like "She was so excited to meet the man who she had never met they had a lunch appoitment" got added to it.

Trust me, I was as surprised as you were.

"whose style borrows from such mainstream shock jocks as Howard Stern"

I have not! I'll add it to the list, thanks.

Reince? G-d, what is with these names white people keep coming up with?

"Ha ha! Springing the Muslim ban super suddenly has caught everyone off guard!"
[Stays granted almost immediately, courts tell him to eat shit later on]
"Well, I've shot my wad. Anyone else have any ideas?"

I'll miss it too. I had a nice time wandering around Tremont and staring out at the lake.