is it about my cube

We did Twin Peaks a few years ago and both really liked it. No Showtime, so we need to wait for the revival to get released elsewhere. Haven't seen Fire Walk With Me—all I know of it is what David Foster Wallace wrote in his excellent essay on Lynch, which included his opinion that Sheryl Lee deserved an Oscar just

I don't know why, but that really cracked me up. Thanks, man.

Rococo is one of my prime examples of the terrible things that happened to Arcade Fire's lyrics.

Sending good vibes for a turnaround.

Well, Gimme Shelter would fit well with the image.

Almost done with Journal of the Plague Year. I'm starting to feel like Whatsisname in Teleportation Accident, dragging Berlin Alexanderplatz around with him for decades. Still slow, but there's more interesting stuff. It's a meandering book that occasionally goes to interesting places. I will sell it, but I will

I love history and octopuses—those last two just made my list.

is it about my cube finally got his answer: it is not about his cube.

Oh, we're not stopping—this is actually a rewatch for me, her first time through—just that there's nothing like that kind of narrative urgency, and a few serious missteps like Lilith House. Still, it has its good points, including a great comedic moment that I cannot at all remember the placement of ("I always

Psycho Las Vegas? I'm jealous. Enjoy!

Mazel tov!


Streaming, DVDs, etc.
So Doctor Mrs. The Cube hit my level of fandom with Veronica Mars—we burned through the back half of S2, something like 10 episodes, in a weekend. We are. . .not doing that with S3.

In the back half of Bojack Horseman S2. I just watched the Hank Hipopopolous episode. "Gee, how can we make the Cosby rapes and Gamergate more depressing? I know—combine them!" And the perfect capper of awful with the guy telling Diane to smile at the end. Oof, but really good. On the lighter side, I loved that

I've been reading the collected Runaways, and am at the back half of v.3. Normally I'm hesitant to keep going when a different writer comes in for something that was so much one person's creation, but when said different writer is Joss Whedon, no problem. I may try the Terry Moore written ones too.

Thanks, man. If nothing else, I got a glimpse of the idea of my job as something I could be invested in. So, something to reach for there.

Kinja's in for the week after next? I think I missed something, have they posted the account migration instructions?

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Job Interview: Final Update

Dude, if you got stood up twice by the same guy, you're not the crazy person (and/or asshole) in this scenario.

Symapathy upvote. So sorry to hear, and glad you're seeking help.