is it about my cube

Kinjapocalypse looms, so I'm here in the comments of Savage Love to say good bye, or at least one kind of good bye, for surely change is coming even if it goes relatively well.

I've got my spine, I've got my Orange Fuck.


Even more shit about Fyre Festival?


I'm imagining a parallel version of the communion wafer scene in V For Vendetta.

He gets eaten my a mutant gila monster?

No, they're going to give us a trippy look at human evolution millions of years in advance.


I feel like this comment should be cced to the article on selling browser history.

It looked like they cloned Taken and didn't think anyone would notice.

They were willing to forgive us, but then surprise guest Foreigner came onstage and it was all out war.

And location shooting. Seth Rogan said it was cheaper to film in New Orleans and digitally alter it to look like L.A. than to just film in town.


When the Eagles went to the Superbowl in '04, there was an interview with a guy from the last time they'd made it in 1960 or something like that, who had a nickname that involved concrete or cement, I forget which. He had this nickname not from being a total wall of a lineman or suchlike, but because he'd sold it in

He was part of the faustian bargain that allowed Scorsese to make a killer movie set in not New York.

Sigh. See also 45.

[Charles Nelson Riley holds up totally off-topic but kookily hilarious answer.]

There never are when Dik sneezes.

I was going to post the last Lucid TV comic and found that LTV has vanished from the interwebs. Now I'm doubly sad.