is it about my cube

Or "of CAUC!"

Both—his coalition is split on it. It's like the right wing opposition to the various Trumpcare bills—too far and not far enough are equally represented.

Trumgrets. It's still going. I can't fathom the minds of the people who thought they were going to get anything other than what they're getting now. I try to imagine what they were thinking based on the available evidence and I can't. Not see it and think they were dumb to think that—I literally can't understand

Forget Nixon, fucking W.'s been able to rest easy since before the inauguration.

Yeah, I fell down. And the John Waters episode at that!

Though if they banned him, you'd have the Nazis ditch Twitter in protest, which would be amazing.

I swear to G-d, I am listening to I Am The Walrus right now.

Apparently I must turn in my Hawaiian shirt collection. Are there local centers, or do I need to make the trip to the regional office?

Specifically, "Our president's crazy/Did you hear what he said?"

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.

As in a reprise of his greatest hits, or as in "You thought all that shit before was crazy? Check this out."

I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this comment.

I made their eyes.

Wonder Woman's Aug12 tweet aside, it's nice to see those when grasping for a silver lining. Although it's mor elike pyrite, if there were a silver equivalent.

Beck is accompanied on this album by a bunch of male musicians. . .

Hi semi-neighbor! And sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

My perspective: he did a great job making the comic's visuals look real, and he very closely followed the what of the plot. Most complaints, mine included, are about how he managed to nonetheless totally miss the why. I'll also throw in that he used very obvious music choices to bang the audience over the head with

I have dim memories of what I think was Black Mask. Is that the Jet Li movie where the director has a strange obsession with people getting their hands cut off?