is it about my cube

I actually really enjoyed both Machete movies. I missed Grindhouse in the movies so it took a while to see the trailers, and there's plenty of great stuff that wasn't already there, like—"this is the boss" [holds up a machete], or Cheech Marin as a shotgun-toting priest. The attempt to make a serious point about

Agreed- that's why the trailer still looks amazing even after knowing how bad everything of substance turned out.

I'd switch things a bit, but totally agreed on how crazy it is they all came out in one year. Much as I love the Coens, I would've taken There Will Be Blood over NCfOM for best picture, but they're both so good that's basically nit picking. Zodiac is also amazing, and I was really surprised when a presenter at a pop

Plus, as amusing as happy, cougariffic original Silk Spectre is, the whole point is supposed to be that her glory years are gone (and weren't that glorious) and she never got past it.

Plus killing criminals. It's only the biggest thing that separates Rorshach from the others, NBD to have Nite Owl and Silk Spectre just waste those muggers.

Yes. I was tremendously disappointed in the movie as a whole, but that sequence was brilliant. Not only was it great on its own, it's some of the best adaptation work I've ever seen. A few minutes to succinctly yet thoroughly convey a ton of world building that's cool but would've taken up too much running time the

Years ago I read an interview with the actress who played Kim. She said of the role: "Someone had to run around in a torn t-shirt, and since I have breasts I got the nod."

The word on the ground here is that Texas isn't so much overwhelmingly red as that Dems here don't vote, possibly because it's seen as so overwhelmingly red that they don't figure it's worth it to bother. What's happened is that after 45's victory, there's been a surge of people who want to challenge Republicans by

There's a Yiddish curse that translates to "Go shit in the ocean!" I keep meaning to memorize it.

Nah, man. Reptile, not mammal.

Had it used an orgone accumulator, it might still be alive so we could ask it.

I don't think I'd even heard of this before, and now I really, really hope it plays near me.

Also kicked off a lifelong Vangelis obsession.

One that is taylor made to bestow justice.

This seems more in kink.com's bailiwick.

So, anyone else's penis try to flee up into their body after reading the maggot part?

And they should've been wearing bulletproof vests! Except for that kid who wore a Darth Vader costume that someone thought was a bulletproof vest and they figured that meant he was shooter.


Username/comment synergy.