is it about my cube

I'd say so.

I was very not impressed. Really wish I hadn't spent theater money to see it.

The sludge metal band and the music website? Can we even fit those on an ass?

They must make you go full prophylactic.

I realized I was somehow both totally out of the loop and fully up to speed when, a few years ago, I realized first that I had no idea where most of the shows the AVC was reviewing aired, and second that that had become essentially immaterial.

"He will know your comments as though born to them."

That's because you're ignoring the "Do Not Ride The Chair" sign they put by it.

Every one of which have the board flipped and the pieces all over the floor.

So, the visual equivalent of a Fiery Furnaces album?

[solemnly leads Trump voter to containment facility]
"I really wish you hadn't pushed that button."

For that you need William Faulkner Martin Crane John Mahoney whatever the character's name was.

Two things I remember reading in Film Comment when it was in its early stages:

I wouldn't hold out much hope for the em dash though. Or the ellipsis.

They've pissed me off here and there, and sometimes here again, but there's enough that I'm currently watching plus what's clogging my queue for me to stay with them. Granted, it helps that I work at a university with a pretty kick-ass media collection to help fill in the gaps.

Certainly in the topsy turvy world of internet commenting, having a good solid piece of wood in your hand is quite often useful.

Much appreciated.

A few years back, one of Cracked's photoplasty contests was to show what various websites would look like in ten years. One of the entries was IMDB, which just featured two buttons: "remake" and "reboot".

Serious question: Is that Patient Zero as in AIDS, and if so, what's the debunking?

The latter. Also, damn did I ever love The Head.

Look mummy. There's a Kinja up in the sky.