is it about my cube

That book really should be required reading for anyone in public health.

Easy mistake—director and picture tend to go together.

"I'm getting some very intense flavors. Fermented onions, battery acid, Steve Bannon's ass crack sweat and. . .pizzly bear semen?"

That was pretty much it, yes.

Bless you for this reference.

Wow. That's a special kind of. . .I don't even know what to call it.


And they become bit less sloggy the second time around, when you know what's going on in that office.

The worst review I read of IJ—as in the review itself was terrible—was by some woman who hadn't finished it, or possibly even started it. She had this whole bit about how you could just tell it was too long, had too many complicated words, was too whatever, it was too much for ordinary people to deal with. Basically


The '80s were a different time for PG. See also: The 16 Candles shower scene.

I haven't seen it, but am still tempted to argue Con Air takes the prize there.

Holy shit. That's some amazing dedication.

For years, I've wanted Connery to play the villain in a Bond movie. That would just be so great.

I'm now mad intrigued by the idea of a Tarantino-directed Bond. I wouldn't want it eating up a precious spot on the roster if he really does retire after 10 films, and I'm not sure it would work, but it would be very interesting to see what he did with the franchise.

If Trump has any self-awareness

The other big failure of the conservative establishment in '16 was Scott Walker, who deserves all the failure he can get, but that's another discussion. I had the misfortune of working out in a place with Fox News on TV, and when CPAC did their straw poll, the big headline on the piece was about Walker coming in

The entire War of 1812 was a gonzo piece of street theater, with Andrew Jackson's election as the encore. Not many people know that.

In another grand tradition of the Romans, there will be a vomatorium in which to do so.

That trailer has me so excited for the movie.