is it about my cube

Yes, even the little dinghy ones.

"If this is anyone other than Guy Commenting In The Wrong Place, you're stealing my bit!"

Good point—I forgot to look outside of my POV.

You're welcome, glad I could help!

"So the catfish was dead already, but it was, like, this big, so I thought, what the hell. By the way, I haven't taken these clothes off in a week."

I won't believe that until after the election's happened.

My mom didn't care about swearing as long as she was OK with the content. Nine Inch Nails' Downward Spiral was fine by her after the clerk told her the parental advisory label had nothing to do with the cop-killing stuff. Ah, the early '90s.

I have a bit of knowledge—I went to a Jewish school from K-8, but we didn't get into the divisions at what's probably a college-level ethnography. Judaism had, for a while, three main branches, and now four: Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Orthodox. All four are "regular" Jewish, but they have different

That movie was super fucked up, and pretty great.

I actually think that for what it is—and I'm a big believer in the Roger Ebert school of evaluating films based on what they were trying to accomplish—it's legitimately great. Yes, Keanu Reeves can only act half the time, but at least he looks perfect for the part. It's excellently filmed and directed, Busey and

Oh goddammit.

When the shit hits the fan
I'll be sitting on the TCA hot seat
When the whip comes down

Cube is old and remembers random shit time: though I haven't seen Clay Pigeons, I remember a full page ad for it in Rolling Stone.

Trailers looked gonzo awesome, B- from Iggy's not bad for an action flick, and a gratuitous lesbian sex scene. Think I'll check this out.

The review of the apparently terrible Sean Penn movie posted earlier today.

I feel like Point Break is pretty revered by action movie fans, but then my sample size isn't too big.

That weird one where Donald Fucking Trump got elected president.

Yup, Patrick's definitely another lose.

Pictured: Jared Leto, between movies, in his living room.

I have very fond memories of Coraline—I saw it in the theater on my 30th birthday, and amazingly that was just part of the day's awesomeness.