is it about my cube

Been on my list forever, especially since I lived in Baltimore for about 6 years. I've only seen a couple episodes, one of which was clearly atypical, but I really liked them. One of the strongest indications I've seen of Homicide's quality is that it's considered a precursor to The Wire, yet is also considered

Really cool ideas—do you have a radio station in mind, or would it be a self-broadcast on the internet thing?

The place I was at usually has a mead on tap. I don't care how hipster that is, it's awesome.

Sounds cool, I'll have to check it out.

To add to others, keep looking for someone. Going on anti-depressants was one of the best things I've ever done. Fingers crossed for you and your sister.

Had some mead the other night for the first time in many years. Super delicious, well worth my 9 bucks for a 5 oz. glass. Turns out these days I can linger over such a thing nicely. College age me would've just drank it down, which is only one reason to be grateful I'm no longer college-age me.

I've been bad about the novel, it's been two or three weeks since I did real work on it. I've got to fix that. If you count the radio show, I've got tomorrow's sets finished and ordered, so there's that.

Haven't heard of Quarry- what is?

iZombie's on my list, but I'm gonna try to finish BB first. Glad to know it's quality.

Paranorman's pretty great—I love Laika's stuff. I highly recommend Kubo if you haven't seen it.

Phish, 2017 Summer Tour.
Commodores, self-titled album.
Chick Corea, some early 1980s albums that are a lot better than I thought they'd be.


I got invited to be on a conference panel for my librarian/Grateful Dead stuff! Invitations are a major feather in the cap for academia, plus it's just really cool on its own.

The real problem is who won't be able to hold out and retires or dies while fuckface is still in office.

Took out all those libtards in Chicago, didn't she?

But everybody wants that!


The phrasing could use some work, couldn't it?

He forgot to put glass in the frames. Common rookie mistake.

I'm currently a TX resident. It was great when Perry decided not to run for reelection. Except then we got Abbot. And Perry was made Secretary of Energy. It turned out to be lose-lose, and I think there may've been a third lose thrown in somehow for good measure.