Julius Kassendorf

I loved Crazy Hair's dress, but hated Dance Beard's dress.

Miranda's outfit was stunning, but the blatant breaking of the rules is totally a voting off violation.  I thought PR usually voted off the ones who didn't follow the rules.  Like last season's Nina challenge (where the losing outfit also kind of sucked on top of not following the rules).  This sets a new precedent

So…he's an idealistic furry.  Got it…

I personally like one of the additional time fillers: the close up judging portion.  That should have happened like 8 seasons ago.  Or at least when 90 minute run time came around.

Now, sustainability isn't a stupid sensibility…

To be fair, I thought he was doing something with bobby pins, but it totally seemed like the hair she walked in with.

The poncho was a crappy outfit.  I'm not defending it in any way shape or form that it doesn't have.

Kate had a bit of white fabric but she was certainly featuring her parachute yellow.

No doubt. I'm not saying it would have been a good move. Especially without conviction. But, she didn't sell it either. Everything was done non-committally and it read as bad on her as on the dress.

I think it was hers. She was really distraught by not getting makeup and hair, and rather sulky. Of course, Timothy should have ratted her hair, at least. Maybe throw some chunks of rock in it. Then, she'd have something to cry about.

Miranda needed to go home. She broke the rules deliberately, was warned, and held her middle finger up and everybody just went "oh well."

TBH, I really wasn't expecting this movie at all.  The opening is amazing, and I think I had seen it somewhere else in the back of my mind.  The rest of it is just amazing.

They have too much dignity.

Just like their seminal hit Belu Maondy.

That's very true Opera_Punk. More especially pre-Gareth Williams' Key to Time than other later producers. I blame cocaine for JNT. That and he wasn't a story man.

Whoa. Is there another tier of comments in desktop land now?

Pssst. Opera_Punk. It's hard to believe. There were a lot more years before RTD. Just saying. RTD isn't the best (he started strong, but his neuroses got the better of him by his season 3), but Moffat is is among the worst, in no small part due to Moffat's own Cult of Moffat.

You mean: The Doctor's Wife, aka the episode that reduced River Song to just a device in service to the Doctor, "The Girl Who Waited" aka the most misogynistic use of a female device in new era DW, "A Christmas Carol" which was kind of a snore (Moffat's Christmases never compared to RTD's), and one good episode?

True, and I was going to edit it once I realized that, but I fucking hate editing posts on mobile on this shite Discus service.

Problem 1: Moffat made everything about the Doctor. Previously, The Doctor traveled around and solved problems or got into trouble. But, it was seldom solely about The Doctor or in service to the Doctor. Moffat, in turn, made every story focus solely on the Doctor. The crack in time, with the Pandorica? All about the