Julius Kassendorf

I said "Pure. West." in my head

FYI, all us PR rejects are starting a new blog called projectrunaways . blogspot . com.  We've been hanging out in the only episode block of this season, and we decided we needed something more.

FYI, all us PR rejects are starting a new blog called projectrunaways . blogspot . com.

FYI, us PR rejects are starting a new blog called projectrunaways . blogspot . com.  We've been hanging out in the only episode block of this season, and we decided we needed something more.  Come find us!

FYI, all us PR rejects are starting a new blog called projectrunaways . blogspot . com.  We've been hanging out in the only episode block of this season, and we decided we needed something more.

I started the blog at ProjectRunaways . blogspot . com.

I started the blog at ProjectRunaways . blogspot . com.

I started the blog at ProjectRunaways . blogspot . com.

I started the blog at ProjectRunaways . blogspot . com.

Hey guys, I was thinking.  I am in agreement with @avclub-e1dc4bf1f94e87fdfeb2d91ae3dc10ef:disqus  in that I think we could just get a wordpress going.  I can start it using my review posted in @avclub-c027a095f6633553f8f45a0ce00fd45d:disqus 's comment thread  and we can swap out the reviewing / recapping duties (we'd

Awww, thanks.  I was wondering if I had overdone it this week, but I just couldn't stop myself.  It was such a great episode.  This season, has really worked for me compared to previous seasons.  I think they've finally figured out how to make the 90 minute episodes seem breezy.

There is a lot of psychological and sociological things I think about the Russian.

This season is full of So…that happened moments.

I think the confessional always feels like crocodile tears.  But, that's because I think they sometimes film them a day or two after the incident, so they have to fake the emotions.  But, in the work room, the tears felt moderately real.  And, on the runway, they were totally amped a bit for the judges.  Hell, they

I am curious if the judges knew it was a take on Domo-Kun.  I was trying hard not to mention it, and I doubt that the judges knew Domo-Kun (I realize that I knew about it due to my geekiness, but, I also realize that this is a limited audience).

Yeah…that happened.  I love this episode so hard.  Freddy Merkovitch got all Russian machismo on Sue, and he KNEW what he was doing.  He's really just a prick who can't design. I thought that that whatever the fuck it was would have been in the bottom.  It was boring and cheap looking.

She deserved it, though.  When Sandro was all "He's here" and then she kept going saying I don't give a fuck?  That was way more cruel than his essentially "fuck your apology, you two-faced sack of shit" response.  Just because somebody apologizes, it doesn't mean you have to accept it.

Team Portlandia for the win! Or lose? I don't know. I'm watching on West Coast and it's amaze balls. Normally, I don't like the dramatastic episodes, but this one has people flipping moods and personalities every 5 minutes it seems.

Helen needed to go home for her hysterics alone. Melting down on the runway?! Girl, you just got sympathy votes, and you know it. That was obnoxious, but worse is the Russian. Ugh. He's the worst. Learn how to work a steamer!

Helen NEEDED to go home. This is the second week where I think they chose wrong. There were huge construction issues that had nothing to do with time constraints. And it wasn't that ambitious of a dress.